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2025-2026 FCS Health Policy (effective July 1, 2025)

Because singing is a high-risk activity: Updated vaccinations and boosters are highly recommended to protect you, other FCS members, FCS staff, and FCS caregivers.  If Covid or any other communicable disease should rise to the point that Fairfax County declares it another public health emergency and you are not vaccinated, you must cease FCS participation until vaccinated. If any concert or rehearsal venue requires vaccination and you are not vaccinated, you must cease FCS participation until vaccinated. If vaccination is required, you must cease FCS participation until proof is provided.  If you contract a communicable disease, notify your Chorus President.

FCS supports the use of masks at any time for any reason. If you have symptoms of a communicable illness:  Return only when any fever is normal for 24 hours without medication AND  symptoms are mild and improving AND  wear a mask and maintain a safe distance until symptom free

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