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Welcome to the Fairfax Choral Society’s Youth Program!

Fairfax Choral Society offers a robust musical education program for youth.  It is a family-oriented program that asks for a four-part commitment from all families: 1) To regularly attend rehearsals and to participate in dress rehearsals, concerts, and other mandatory events, per the campus schedule; 2) To pay tuition on time; 3) To grant permission to use images of your child(ren) for the purposes of Fairfax Choral Society promotional material and publications; 4) To participate in fundraisers and/or donate to FCS.

To register your singer in FCS, complete the following:

  • Fill out the registration form below. Each singer must be registered annually, whether new or returning.
  • If your child is a new chorus member, you will receive an email in the next week from a member of the FCS Office inviting you to join Chorus Connection.  Click on the link in the email to set up your account.  If your child is a returning chorus member, your log-in to Chorus Connection remains the same.  After registering, check to ensure your access to Chorus Connection is up-to-date.  Returning chorus members’ tuition fees will be updated after you register.
  • In Chorus Connection, go to “My Account” in the top black bar and select Payments Center from the dropdown menu to pay for tuition.
Singer's Name*
0 of 40 max characters
All FCS communications will go to this email address.
Is the Singer a new participant with Fairfax Choral Society or a returning participant?
Fairfax Choral Society auditions each singer every year. Voice checks are held for our youngest members.
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
To which youth chorus was the singer admitted?
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 2005 to 2019.
0 of 2 max characters
Enter the singer's teacher's name if available.
Home Address*
Please enter the address of the singer's residence.
This information is collected to enable Fairfax Choral Society to apply for grants. The data is collected and used in aggregate only.
This information is collected to enable Fairfax Choral Society to apply for grants. The data is collected and used in aggregate only.
This information is collected to enable Fairfax Choral Society to apply for grants. The data is collected and used in aggregate only.
Parent/Guardian's Name (1)*
Please enter the name of the parent or guardian who is the primary contact for communications regarding this singer.
Parent/Guardian's Name (2)
Please list any allergies, learning disabilities, or other medical conditions of the singer that FCS should know about. This information will be kept confidential within FCS staff. If none, please type "none."
Emergency Contact*
This needs to be a person OTHER THAN A PARENT/GUARDIAN who can be contacted in an emergency when parents/guardians cannot be reached.
Please select an area that you were able to contribute your time to FCS. We are asking all families to volunteer at least three times a semester. Use the control key to select all that apply.
Did you find us online or did a friend refer you to our program?
Acknowledgement of Tuition Fees to be Paid*
Fairfax Choral Society is a non-profit organization. It is not part of the Fairfax County Public School System (FCPS), nor any other school system. Please indicate below your acknowledgement that your child's participation in the youth program of the Fairfax Choral Society, including singing rehearsals and musicianship classes, is conditional upon the timely payment of tuition. Tuition fees serve as membership fees for you as the parent/guardian of a minor. When you pay tuition, you become a head-of-household member of Fairfax Choral Society.
Acknowledgement of No-Refund Policy*
Fairfax Choral Society hires staff, directors, teachers, and accompanists, and also secures venues at the beginning of each season based on enrollment numbers. Because of this, tuition payments are non-refundable. If there is an extenuating circumstance requiring a participant's withdrawal, an email may be sent to the FCS Office explaining the situation, which will be reviewed for an exception to this policy.
Acknowledgement of Late Payment Fee & Returned Check Fees*
There is a $25 fee for late tuition payments. If your payment check is returned for insufficient funds, you are responsible for any returned check fees and may be charged an administrative fee.
Acknowledgement of Family Involvement Program (FIP) Policy*
Family involvement is crucial in order to make FCS run smoothly. Families are asked to volunteer a minimum of 3 times a semester in some capacity. Families with multiple singers enrolled are asked to volunteer a minimum of 5 times a semester.
Acknowledgement of Attendance Policy*
Fairfax Choral Society expects regular attendance and participation in rehearsals, musicianship classes, dress rehearsals, concerts, and other mandatory events. The full attendance policy is included in the youth chorus handbook and the schedule of rehearsals and events is posted on Chorus Connection.
Agreement to Participate in Fundraisers for Fairfax Choral Society*
Fundraising is an essential part of the success and continued excellence of the Fairfax Choral Society. Tuition only covers a portion of the costs associated with running the Youth Chorus programs. Every family is expected to participate in at least two fundraisers every year and/or donate to FCS.
Permission & Waiver*
I hereby give permission for images and recordings of my child, captured during Fairfax Choral Society rehearsals, performances, or events through audio/video, photo, and digital camera(s), and other recording devices, to be used for any lawful purpose relating to the Fairfax Choral Society, including without limitation, promotional material and publications, social media, and websites, and I hereby waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.
COVID Health Policy*
Fairfax Choral Society follows Fairfax County and CDC COVID guidelines for the general public. However, we also recognize that singing is a high risk COVID transmission activity. Adult singers will show proof of completing a COVID vaccination program with one booster shot before being allowed to join a chorus. Youth singers are highly encouraged to be vaccinated. Singers are strongly encouraged to stay up to date on all recommended boosters. Masks are required for all singers when Fairfax County announces a Code Red COVID Level and/or an FCS concert or rehearsal venue requires masks. A singer may wear a mask anytime during rehearsal or a concert. (A black mask is required for concert performances.) If a singer contracts COVID they must notify their adult chorus president or youth director as soon as possible and follow CDC guidelines for returning to in-person rehearsals or other FCS activities/events. FCS reserves the right to modify its COVID policy at any time to adapt to any change in circumstances.
Electronic Signature Affirming Agreement*
Please fill in your name. By submitting this form, you are electronically signing an agreement with Fairfax Choral Society. Participation is contingent upon payment of tuition. Please make payments online via Chorus Connection.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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