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Welcome to the Fairfax Choral Society’s Symphonic Chorus!

To register as a member of the Symphonic Chorus, or to renew your membership in the Symphonic Chorus, you must complete the following form.

  • Fill out the registration/renewal form below. Each singer must submit this form annually, whether a new or returning member.
  • After submitting the form:
    — If you are a new chorus member, you will receive an email within the next week or so from a member of the FCS Office inviting you to join Chorus Connection.  Click on the link in the email to set up your account.
    — If you are a returning chorus member, log into Chorus Connection to review your profile and update it as needed.
  • In Chorus Connection, go to “My Account” in the top black bar and select Payments Center from the dropdown menu to pay for dues and music.
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